
Welcome to my website.

Who I am ?



Hi! I’m Lingyun Li. I'm currently studying Computer Science at NWU, US. You can also call me Puno(I named myself). Actually PUNO means Persistent, Unique, Novel and Original. It’s my personal philosophy as well. I always seek out unique ways to do everything.

When I was in primary school, I was required to write in my diary every week. “How do I make my diary entries unique?” I remember thinking. Then, I came up with a serialized fiction story about seven fairies. I even designed and sketched my fairies in my sketchbook. Imagining the lives of my characters was fun and really brought me a lot of joy.

What's more, I like visual expressions of everything that is creative and storytelling, such as expansive scenes that Virtual Reality creates and animations which provide a rich ux.

I'm interested in Human-computer Interaction Design and determined to be a better designer and engineer.

If you have any questions, please Contact me !

Wedding Moment

This is a photograph I took on my sister's wedding. I wish her the most felicitous of marriages that will last a lifetime.

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