Perfect Budget


A technical platform used for budget management of colleges and universities.


This article through an actual design and implementation of Web application, experienced the entire process of software development, including system analysis, outline design, detailed design, coding, testing, developed a budget system for the colleges and universities can be automatically balanced. The perfect budget system is a technical platform used for budget management of colleges and universities. Its working mechanism can quickly and efficiently realize the customer's demand for comprehensive budget management and adapt to the actual situation in which the demand is constantly changing. Using the perfect budget system, users can use flexible and convenient budget report. The difference between the perfect budget system and other budget systems and their advantages is that they can be intelligently and automatically balanced according to the demand budget amount, saving the user's time and accelerating the progress of the project. The front-end part of the system uses the AngularJS framework, and the back-end part uses the Spring Boot framework, which making the Web application more efficient. During the development of the system, I was mainly responsible for manufacturing web application login, Home pages, import and export budget tables, budget trim algorithm, account management, inventory management, and other modules.

The roles I played and My team

Requirements Analysis

Outline Design

Transaction Flow Diagram

The user logs into the perfect budget system. He can use three functions: project management, member account management (if it is an ordinary user, member account management does not display), and inventory management.
After the user enters project management, he can create projects, edit projects, and search for projects.

System Use Case

Detailed Design

Algorithm Design

Introduction to Z3 Solver

This system uses a solver developed by Microsoft, Z3 Solver, an SMT solver that can be used to check the solvability of logical expressions.The function of the partial Z3 Solver and a java example are shown below. It can check the feasibility of the logic formula to satisfy.

Function Name Function Usage
Create a const ctx.mkIntConst
create a function ctx.mkFuncDecl
Great than or equal to ctx.mkGe
Less than or equal to ctx.mkLe
Create an int ctx.mkInt
Add ctx.mkAdd
Subtract ctx.mkSub

Autotrim Algorithm

Highest cost of labor fee example